Fictional Documentary: Lost in Chess
The "Lost in Chess" is a documentary that follows upon a once world chess champion, Carol Chiu. She visits Union Square Park and Washington Square Park almost every day to watch the chess players. In the documentary, we followed upon her daily routine and her old glorious and painful days, including her severe mental breakdown and missing.
Carol Chiu is a fictional character played by my project partner Mia Rubin.
This fictional documentary takes place in three locations: Union Square Park, Mia's dorm room, and Washington Square Park. We paid special amount of attention to the character Carol Chiu and allowed improvisation for her speeches, so that when Mia acts, she is fully immersed to Carol's character.
We incorporated "proofs" such as newspaper articles and news broadcasting in order to make our fictional documentary more non-fictional, which is what documentaries usually take in form.
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